Wednesday, November 22, 2017





Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Ghost Arises

The ghost arises from the grave.
He wants to be a body brave.
But only a spirit is he now,
Separated from his earthly frau.
She walks by day and sleeps by night.
He floats okay and walks very light.
Her body moves about above.
His body has moved enough.
The ghost walks on a plain,
where time goes on but his remains.
Between one life and between the next,
where spirit and life are not mixed,
wishing there he's not to stay,
for he and his frau cannot lay.
Lo! he has fortune soon to come,
after the Samhain setting sun.
When shining brightly are moonrays,
the edges of worlds do briefly graze.
The lonely ghost, if haste is made,
may defy the entombing spade.
Quickly he spots a young gent confess
to the lake his most precious breath.
A spotting horseman is on the shore.
He negates the soon impending horror.
Dragged ashore but lifeless still,
the ghost's resuscitation is a saving pill.
Across the plain the ghost has traveled.
A skinny dipper's peril unraveled.
Newly bodied the ghost may streak.
To his frauline he again may speak.
The lost swimmer's soul now roams,
To bath again in rushing foams.
A Hero! A hero, the horseman is he.
A medal awarded the horseman to be.
The separated lovers by death,
will by life be one again.
Though he knows she doesn't know,
that he is he who she now loves so.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Ginger Snaps

If you leave out a donut, a regular cookie, or a pice of bread for a while, it's gonna dry out and become stale.

On the contrary, if you leave out a hard ginger snap, it will absorb the moisture from the air around it and become slightly soft.

The opposite effect.

I suppose the same thing would happen with biscotti.

The ginger snap is the original rebel cookie.



Thursday, October 5, 2017


What did the Pumpkin Spice Latte Taste Like?

In 200 years or more (or less), historians, scholars, and public intellectuals will debate the question: What did Starbuck's "Pumpkin Spice Latte" actually tasted like?

Who killed JFK?
What happened to the Roanoke Colony??

Well, folks, get ready for the pumpkin spice latte debate.  It is likely that Starbucks will become defunct in the next 100 years and the original recipe will be lost and never made the way it once was.

The biggest determining factor is if the PSL can become ten times more iconic than it is now.  Will it be as integral to 21st century America as Baseball and Apple pie was to the 20th?

Being that it is already held in ironic appreciation and somewhat disdain by the American youth of today, it will be seen if the 21st century America has enough cultural integrity to elevate such drink to the level of Coke-a-cola.

Also, PSL is only seasonal and Starbucks probably will keep it that way unless they get hit with "Autumn in April" syndrome and/or declining sales.

The philosophers of 2300 may have schools of thought that revolve around the various future theories as to the flavor.  The contemporary cultish following of the PSL my evolve into a full blown post-apocalyptic religious movement.

Stripped of all comforts via nuclear proliferation, the people of earth hearken back to the day when one could acquire a five dollar latte in October and forget all about the bills and latest thing trending on Twitter.

Luckily, most of us won't be around for the debate.  Or maybe we'll be able to upload our brains and surf the servers well into the next millennium.



Wednesday, September 27, 2017



Rebuild the Singer Building in Brooklyn

The Singer Building was once the tallest building in the world.  It was beaten out of that title by the MetLife Building and then the Woolworth Building.  In the late nineteen-sixties, the New York landmark failed to get protective landmark status and was demolished.

After seeing its beautiful classic interiors and also its iconic exterior, I say it should be rebuilt.  Such an ornate building, by today's standards, could easily pull wealthy tenants from around the world to luxury apartments.

And being that Brooklyn doesn't have nearly the skyline Manhattan does, a Singer Building replica could be built there amongst the hipster coffeeshops and music studios.  It could be the perfect ornament to stand out and draw interest from from across the East River.  Since Brooklyn has of late had an increased interest from today's entrepreneurial creatives, a developer with some extra funds and looking for a fun revival project should bring back one of the former tallest buildings in the world.  I think it would compliment nicely the local culture and architectural legacy of New York.

It is a shame when a wonderful piece of architectural history is lost.  But there is an upside.  Although not the originals, it is always possible to rebuild these lost structures and keep the architectural richness of the early 1900's alive.

Aesthetically, the styles of that era and the succeeding art deco styles are superior to the glass and steel eye sores that get built today.  There's no reason to not make things as pretty as you can.

Friday, September 15, 2017

D20 Yahtzee

Ever wonder if you could play Yahtzee with twenty-sided dice?  Well now you can.  I updated the score card and scores to accommodate proportionately the D20.  The math was simple to formulate.  The regular Yahtzee is played with 5 traditional six-sided dice.  Six goes into twenty 3.3 times.  I multiplied the scores by 3.3 and extended the number of categories in the upper section.

To play you play as usual, five D20s, but instead of only getting three rolls per turn, that number is increased to ten.  I would recommend that another player keep tally of your rolls during your turn.

Here is the updated score card.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Boum Boum Soiree - Official Music Video

First the album dropped, now it's time for the music vids!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Is this music?

So over the last year I've been dabbling with Garage Band here and there.  Now I created an entire album of music composed by me.  I guess you could say this is the launch of my debut LP.

As a way to get around these songs being on the crap end of the spectrum, I describe some of them as being experimental.  Truly, this whole album is experimental because I am still experimenting with GB.  I am a beginner.

Now let me present, Batoid by Zytroft.  DO enjoy.


Monday, August 14, 2017

The Power of Mental Override

Recently, I have experienced the power of mental override to physical obstacles.  The two examples that bring me to my conclusion of this ability are as follows.

In May I began working a new day job.  When I left work for the day, it was rather warm out.  Some early summer temperatures.  When I got in my car it was oven-like, but not intolerable by standard human.

For most of my life, I have found that I was very quite intolerant to the summer heat.  Any jobs involving hot kitchens or working outside in warm weather I immediately cross off the list as possible modes of employment.  I do this from past experiences.  

Well that day when I got into my car, I stopped myself before turning on the air conditioning.  I relaxed myself, focused on tolerating the heat, and just told myself the following things:  This is comfortable.  This feels good.  I like the heat.  I prefer the heat.  This is enjoyable. Etc.

Since then, I have enjoyed a very comfortable and non-heat-inhibitive summertime.  I was from that point able to embrace the heat and feel comfortable in it.  

The second example is from today actually.  Before today I have been very on and off about exercise.  I try to keep to a simple daily exercise regimen, but it typically goes weeks on, months off, weeks on, etc.

Well, in the week before an upcoming convention, I decided to take back up this regimen until at least then.  And so, typically I do maybe three sets of 20-30 push ups as one of my exercises.  Today I took the mental override approach and applied the same type of self talk as before.  I told myself before, during, and after pushups that:  I love push ups.  Push ups are the greatest.  They feel amazing.  There is nothing I'd rather be doing.  Push ups are my favorite.  Etc.

Today I cranked out a total of 100 push ups over a few sets.  

In light of this, I am now going to apply this mental override in other things I may be lazy or anxious about.  I would recommend that everyone try this technique of overcoming whatever.  It's worth a try and will possible overhaul you willpower.

Bon Chance!

Friday, July 21, 2017


Life has been very busy since March and I know I haven't been blogging much lately.

I do like to keep you all updated and I plan to post more in the future.  But in the mean time, if you want to keep up with what I'm up to, follow me on twitter @zyroftef and youtube @zytroft

Stay fancy everyone.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Sunset Republic" NYS:6

Sunset Republic was an idea I had for over a year.  I came up with the story in 2015.  Then I shelved it.  As I sat at film school struggling to write a half conceived musical, SR popped back into my memory and I knew it would be my thesis film.

Many different things inspired me to come up with this story, but the main two were:
This YouTube Channel and This Event

SR was a lot of fun to write and direct.  The experiences and knowledge gained in New York certainly has confirmed me in my desire for filmmaking.

Please enjoy the Sixth and Final installment to the "New York Stint" series!
I am proud to present, Sunset Republic!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Audio Book Listens

Here below is a list of books I've listened to in the last year.  These are books I would recommend for your own reading or listening pleasure.  They have the Zytroftian seal of approval.

Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich

Choose Yourself by James Altucher

Models by Mark Manson

The Last Lion: Winston Churchill: Visions of Glory 1874-1932 by William Manchester

Trump: The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz

Friday, April 21, 2017

"Daffodils" S1:E25- Season Finale!

"Daffodils" is episode 25 and finale of 'Zytroft' season 1!

Season 2 will be coming soon, and will the first content made under Lab Note Films. Lookout!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lab Note Films: The Launch

As of 2am this morning, 1017 Films is now sadly defunct.  But fret not ye readers and watchers!  The company has been succeeded by the newly established Lab Note Films.  

Please welcome Lab Note Films into the world!  This is the official launch.  It was born at 3am this morning.  I will be releasing future content under this new company name.  Below is my Snapchat made Lab Note proto-logo I sent to Jay W.

Expect good stuff coming.  Who says science isn't magic?

"That's All I Ask" NYS:5

"That's All I Ask" is the fifth installment in the 'New York Stint' series.

"Hexagon" NYS:4

"Hexagon" is the fourth installment to the 'New York Stint' series.

Monday, April 17, 2017

"Welcome Back Jimmy" NYS:3

"Welcome Back Jimmy" is the third installment in the 'New York Stint' series.

Friday, April 14, 2017


"LIRE" is the second installment in the "New York Stint" series.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The St. Patrick's Day Rabble

This past March 17, Jay W. and I went out to celebrate with a few pints.  We did Pub Row in the Financial District on Stone street.  They had dozens of tents out in the street.  Each one was run by pubs along the street.  Guinness and Harp were being consumed by the gallons.  The street was rather crowded so we grabbed our inaugural pints and went to the end of the street to stand.

Then the fun began, two fellows in their mid to late twenties partook in some shenanigans.  There was an exchange between them and a fight broke out.  Luckily, some NYPD officers nearby took care of the situation, and the more belligerent gent was escorted from the street.

After a while Jay and I moved on from Stone street and went to a pub elsewhere.  Entering that pub, there was stationed a huge bouncer at the door to check IDs.  This was the sort of fellow who wore black leather and had a shaved head.  His shoulders and chest made him a brick wall, well suited for the gig.

We got another round of pints and ascended to the second floor bar area.  Once we were through there, we descended back to the entry ground level.  To our dismay the bouncer was nowhere to be seen.  "Was he even actually the bouncer?"

We exited the pub to the flashing lights of an ambulance and police cruisers.  There were about ten NYPD officers standing about outside.  Two stood talking to an unknown bystander.  Leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette, was the bouncer.  He seemed a bit winded, not to mention the blood dripping down his forehead.

"What happened?"

Well, to draw a likely conclusion as to what transpired, I'll tell you what else we saw.  Being wheeled into the ambulance on a stretcher was the belligerent gent from Stone street, now unconscious.  My conclusion was that the bouncer wrecked him.

It's always a funny coincidence when one inadvertently follows along with a story arc in real life, especially in such a big city as NYC.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

"Le Jour du Cafe" NYS:1

This is the first installment to my new "New York Stint" series.

Zytroft Season 1 finale is still on its way.  1017 is still alive for one more episode.
The New York Stint is not produced by 1017 films or the new company.  The series is an independent production by me.

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Shema Humata: Tass Sheshco

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Baby Back Bull-Scheisse: Director's Cut

I made a director's cut version of the first 1017 films first video, Baby Back Bull-Scheisse.  There are two reasons why I did this. First, I wanted revel in a little 1017 nostalgia.  Secondly and the reason why I'm reveling: My collaborative partners and I at 1017 films have decided to retire the name and rebrand it.

A new name for the film company has not yet been decided on, but I can say when it will take effect.  "Zytroft" season one will be wrapping up with the episode 25 season finale.  After the release of the finale, 1017 Films will begin its transition into the new brand.  

Why are we changing the name?  Names have their time and place, but brands need to change from time to time.  I've always wanted to update or alter it eventually.  When Jay and I founded it, the name was rather spontaneous.  Also, it was 10:17pm at the time.  Another reason is that there's a record company with the 1017 name and we don't want the name to get confused.  It's better to come off as original.  

And so, as the retirement of the 1017 brand draws near, please enjoy the Director's Cut of Baby Back Bull-Scheisse!

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Shema Humata: Tass Sheshco

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

"The Sinister Stocking" S1:E24

"Zytroft" Season 1: Episode 24
Last night I was watching some Charlie Chaplin videos on youtube to get some physical comedy ideas for my first student film.  11pm I decided to shoot this.  This is not the student film.

Episode 25 will be season finale! Stay tuned!

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Shema Humata: Tass Sheshco

"Epilepsy Warning" S1:E23

Season 1: Episode 23 of "Zytroft"
This is a cinematised version of the Instagram project.  And the title is NOT a joke.

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Shema Humata: Tass Sheshco

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Instagram Photo Manipulation Project

So, I've been working on a little photo manipulation project using Instagram.  Instead of their filters, I used the DIY edit tab to create these effects.  I started with the photo at the beginning here.  It's a gothic-y church in Cambridge, MD.  I made some edits on it, then saved it.  Then I took the new version and edited it.  I did this over 70 times, to see where it went.  Below is where it went.  Enjoy!

The first one again, for reference.  Beginning and end, both same photo.

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Shema Humata: Tass Sheshco