Thursday, September 26, 2019

Review of Cigars and Cigars

Cigars are a classic and healthier* form of tobacco smoking. They are iconic accessories for upholders of Western Civilization such as Sir Winston Churchill, and marxist scoundrels like Fidel Castro. Whatever your ideology, aesthetic is aesthetic.

My entry into this world of smokes began with a college friend who runs a popular cigar review page on Instagram. He is Jim of @great-cigars. MY first smoke was supplied by him at our alma mater. If I remember correctly, it was a coffee flavored something or other.

My first cigar that I chose to smoke was the Churchill sized Romeo y Julieta. When I read the The Last Lion by William Manchester, he mentioned that the brand was one of Winston's favorites. So naturally, being an admirer of him, that was what I smoked.

Romeo y Julieta has a mild flavor and is a standard cigar. I am not very good at describing the notes and subtleties yet.

The next kind I tried was a recommendation by the salesman at the cigar shop. He gave me an Undercrown to try. It had a slightly more intense flavor than the Romeo's, but still rather mild.

Tuesday night, I tried my third distinguishable brand. I smoked a Metropolitan Connecticut by Nat Sherman. It wasn't a bad smoke but it definitely was the mildest of the three. I don't think I'll get this one again.

If I had to recommend one of these three, I'd go with the Romeo y Julieta. It falls right between the two others in flavor and strength, and I also get to feel connected to a great Briton.

Whether you smoke them occasionally, are a regular at the cigar lounge, or are smoking in bed and then attending Parliament, cigars are a classic accessory that adds to the aesthetic of a gentleman.

I'll leave you with my theory on why smoking has been treated aesthetically throughout history. A cigar demonstrates one's ability to casually control fire, so casually in fact, that it is added to the sartorial aesthetic. Also, one is taking chaotic fire, controlling it, and using it to relax, much like a sailor captures a strong wind and uses it to propel him around the globe.

*Disclaimer: Theoretically healthier than cigarettes because you are not inhaling into the lungs.

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Medium is the Mandela Effect

Many people know the quote, "medium is the message," coined by Marshall McLuhan. It refers to the nature of media and how it influences you, not by the message itself, but by the way in which the message is told.

Well, today I picked up his famous book "the Medium is the Message" at a bookstore, only to be surprised that what is written above is not the title. The title of his book is "the Medium is the Massage."

My mind was blown. The friend I was with had his mind blown as well. We both could have sworn the book was Message. All the books on the shelf were that way, and I wondered if it was a misprint. I then typed the book into Amazon to see if their books had the same 'misprinted' title and they did. The real title was Medium is the Back Rub.

I had known about the Mandela Effect for a while because everyone had been talking about it online recently. But I did not anticipate to encounter the effect with this book.

The Mandela Effect "is a psychological phenomenon where a person recalls something that did not happen or that something happened differently from the way it actually happened," according to Wikipedia.  Another example of this is the 'Berenstein Bears' is actually Berenstain Bears, despite everyone growing up with it known as Berenstein. A movie example is from Field of Dreams. The famous line, "If you build it they will come," is actually, "If you build it he will come."

The title Medium is the Massage is attributed to an original misprint in the 1960's when it was published, but the author decided to keep it that way. It certainly gets your attention once you notice it. The decision to keep the printing error has proved a smart move by McLuhan, for it keeps the intrigue of his work alive and proves his point. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Shoot A: John of the North

check me on insta: @zytroft
check john on insta: @john.of.the.north

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Facing the Books

There he was, sitting outside on the bench.  He knew what was going on inside was sure to disappoint. So rather than continuing to sit there and imagine the worst, he decided to walk in and face the situation.
Up the brick steps he went, fear evaporating more and more with each step he took. Hand on the door handle, he looked through the glass to see her. She stood talking to Albert. He pulled open the door and walked towards them. Their backs were turned to him as they talked facing the books. Before saying a word, the acceptance of all his fears settled his nerves, ready to be done with it.
            “Hi Eunice.”
            She did not turn.
            “Albert, how’s it going?”
            He didn’t turn either.
            “Hello?” Vince slowed his approach. He stopped. “Oy!”
            The two were no longer speaking. They stood silently and motionlessly, facing the books. Perplexed, Vince circled around to the front of them.
            “Shiiit,” he said as he looked at them. “No faces…”
            Albert and Eunice had only smooth skin where their eyes, noses, and mouths should be. He looked down at his watch quickly. 5:30pm. He’d just seen them in movement. They spoke only seconds before his approach.  He knew whatever had caused this wasn’t far away.
            Vince looked away from the books, back towards the door. He then walked in that direction. Then ran. He opened the door and got outside. Breathing heavily, he turned around to look back inside. There they were, still talking.
            He looked down at his watch again. 5:29pm.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Bull Life

Life is like a stock portfolio. There are always ups and downs. But when managed properly, it should always trend upwards.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019
