Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How to Order Coffee: Part 2

Having had many years behind the coffee bar, I know there is a particular way in which to order coffee that is universally preferable to baristas who are taking your order.

That way is as follows:

Specify these three things first, BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE:

1. Size of beverage

2. Desired temperature of beverage (hot or iced)

3. Type of beverage (latte, coffee, cappuccino, american, etc)


Then specify the additional flavors, extra shots, milk preferences, etc.

It is okay to mention flavor or espresso shot quantity with #3. 

But do not give any details on pumps of syrup or anything until 1-3 are known to the barista.


Allow the barista to confirm with you that they've got down that drink.

Then order the next item.

There's nothing that grinds your barista's nerves like you ordering a long titled and heavily modified drink and then not pausing before following up with the next drink in the order.

If you'd like your order to come out correctly on the other end, do not rush through your ordering.

It is not a lot to ask.

Your barista is your drug dealer.

Respect your drug dealer.

Your drug dealer with respect you.

If you haven't read Part 1, you can read it here.

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