Monday, January 23, 2017


I have found in life, that I naturally avoid drama as much as possible.  I don't know if it's a passive aggressive thing or some internal wiring, but drama is a turn off and I avoid it.  On the other hand, conflict I tend to embrace, especially when it's political in nature.

I know drama can fall under the category of conflict, but assume they're two different things.

This last Thursday night, I attended a fantastic inauguration party in Washington, DC.  The Deploraball (pictures and video to be posted within the week).  Outside the National Press Club building, a group of "Anti-fascist" protesters gathered to protest the event and to obstruct the entrance way.  These "anti-fascists" where employing some very quite fascist tactics.  These were all dressed in black, faces cover, uniformed with Antifa insignia.  They were there to silence those with different political opinions than them.  They threw various objects such as eggs at Trump supporters.  They brought the violence to a peaceful night where a bunch of folks were getting to gather to have fun and celebrate the victory.

Anyway, my feelings in this situation, engaging verbally with protesters, were of exhilaration.  I experienced this one time before when I went to a Bernie Sanders rally in May.  At one point, a single Trump supporter showed up to protest the rally, and after some words back and fourth between the Bernie folks in line (who I was among, but not supporting) and the protester, the Bernie supporters began to charge across the street towards him.  I was right among them but pushed back against the charge.  The Trump protester had a right to be their.  He was was not being violent or breaking any laws, but these kids were about to engage the guy, a single fellow, merely trolling to be honest.

This was maybe 1% of the intensity of the protests in front of the Deploraball, but that was my first taste of political conflict.  In front of the National Press Club, things were revved up and like a powder keg.  The Anitfa crowd was extremely belligerent and angry.  Whereas the smaller number of Trump supports there, who were dressed for a ball, hair done, ties and suits on, all walked around and through the protesters.  We had the biggest grins on our faces to see and record on our phones these sore losers throwing a complete tantrum.

But as the police were able to make a corridor for ball goers to enter the building, they got even more violent.  They were climbing on cars and getting in the riot police's faces.  In these exhilarating and exciting moments, I impulsively shouted the things I was thinking at these idiots, completely uncharacteristically of me.  Many times in life I've been in awe of something wonderful or at odds with an opponent, but have never really been one to shout things and make a fuss.  Something about an event such as this, one where rioters were being completely hypocritical and stupid, on top of the fact that we ball goers were the winners, just brought it out of me.  Makes me want to fight.

I suppose I am naturally wired to embrace real conflict, as apposed to drama.  Conflict is were those that are right and wrong collide.  That is where you have the most to gain.  Drama is  something with no stakes.  It's easily dispelled by level headed communication.  Conflict has real stakes.  Conflict is something that can be won or lost.

When you are at odds in life, choose to embrace conflict rather than drama.  You stand much more to gain.

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Shema Humata: Tass Sheshco

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