Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Antique Photo Shoot

When I was at university I did some antique style photos that I posted to instagram.  Oh right my instagram is @zytroft.  Anyway, I always liked the idea of making modern photos look antique, but not like the kind you get by the shore.  I have better taste than that.  So, today I decided to do a photo shoot of that nature.  I edited them using instagram.  These first two I took while at university.

Nolde Forest, November 2014
I was going for a Civil War feel here.  I always liked the photos showing soldiers just hanging out, like this.

Nolde Forest, November 2015
Here I wanted an air of WWII french resistance.  
Both of these photos correlate with what hats I had on hand, and the hats I had on hand correlated with what i was studying at the time. 

Today's Shoot
French Revolution of 1830 if they had photography and percussion cap rifles

Musket and Dagger

On the march

The lad that got stuck with the musket during the Easter Rising.

Civil War portrait

Victorian portrait

I feel like this is starting to become an art blog.  A project like this pleases the artist and historian within me.

Be sure to share and in the comments tell me which ones look the most authentic!  Also follow me on instagram @zytroft 

Shema Humata: Tass Sheshco

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