Friday, September 2, 2016

Sleepy Oxford

I visited the Oxford cemetery recently and saw the grave George Washington's Aide-de-Camp, Tench Tilghman

He's the tall one.

"Tench Tilghman
Lt. Col. in the Continental Army and Aid de camp of Washington, who spoke of Him thus:
'He was in Every Action(it looks to be) in which the Main Army was concerned.  A Great Part of the Time He refused to receive Pay.  While living, no man could be more Esteemed and since dead none more Lamented than Col. Tilghman.  No one had imbibed Sentiments of greater Friendship for Him than I had done.  He left as Fair a reputation as Ever belonged to a Human Character.'
Died April 18th, 1786
Aged 42"

"In memory of Col. Tench Tilghman who died April 18th, 1786 in the 42d year of his age.  Very much lamented.  He took an early and active part in the great contest that secured the Independence of the United States of America.  He was Aid-de-Camp to His Excellency George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Armies and was honoured with his friendship and confidence and he was one of those whose merits were distinguished and honorably rewarded by the Congrels, but still more to his praise he was a Good MAN."
"His remains brought from old St. Paul's, Baltimore, were reinterred here, November 30, 1971."

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