Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Existential Consciousness and the End of the Bread Trail

The realm of the spiritual or supernatural comes into play when science can no longer give us an answer.  Tis’ my personal philosophy on spiritual matters. 
I was talking the other day about evolutionary mechanisms with my dad and he attributed certain traits and developments to God’s will.  Perhaps evolution is influenced, but since the evolutionary tree and the causes of these mechanisms can be traced back further, I do not yet attribute God’s will.  For me, once the bread crumb trail is followed to the end and no loaf is found, then that is the realm of the spiritual. 
For example, there was existence before the big bang, but what was it.  Science has some theories.  Perhaps in a prior age of the universe, all matter had been expanded to its max and began to converge.  The big bang was the point at which things could no longer converge and everything exploded and began re-expansion.  The existence of the universe is an endless cycle of convergence and divergence. Or the big bang was the opposite end of a massive black hole.  “Matter cannot be created, nor destroyed.”
When the trail has led to the endless cycles or universes within universes, the question of “how?” is answered, but not “why?”.  When there is no further answer and our minds can no longer comprehend an endless cycle of matter existing only because it does, our creativity takes over and allows the conscious matter within us to connect with the rest of the matter in the universe. 
Given the vast expanse and complexity of time and space, the intricacies and subtleties of physics and biology, I cannot fully accept a universe that is devoid of all intelligence.  The most complex development of molecular interaction is the ability to be conscious of and question its own existence.  That is extraordinary.  If we are able to study and understand the relationship of all matter, then in that realm of the unknown, lies the connection of the universe to our own individual existences. 

            I began writing this not knowing where it would go and am pleased where it is going.  I will be writing more on this in the future.  Be sure to comment and share, help grow the festival of ideas!

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