Monday, August 22, 2016

Yinz Photos (I don't think that's right.)

One PPG Place being shy.

 There he is.

Hey PPG, get you're ears in frame.

He's liking that lime light. 

An impressive closeup. 

PPG and his lil' bro.

A random Pittsburghian, of who's permission I had to publish this photo.

A nice square


 Ok we get the point.

Hey it's me! I'm silhouetted in the square.

This one is my personal favorite of the set.

Same one but not as good.

Work it PPG, you go. 

Selfie with One PPG Place.

Some leaners.

A painting at the Fort Pitt Museum.  It depicts George Washington standing over the soon the be buried General Edward Braddock, shortly after the Battle of Monongahela.

This one shows General Braddock being shot from his horse by French-allied Native Americans at the battle of Monongahela.

The river in which the battle was named after: the Monongahela.

This is the Blockhouse.  It's the last remaining structure from the original Fort Pitt.  I think it was a defensive post that sat outside the main walls of the fort.  There were others of these on other sides of the fort, but of different structure.

The Blockhouse closer up.  At the gates I saw a sign placed there by the Daughters of the Revolution.  They must be or were in charge of preserving the historical structure.

The fountain at the point were the Ohio, Monongahela (again), and the Allegheny rivers converge.

The bank to the left is Mount Washington.

My favorite of the fountain pics.

Oh, look, there he is again.  He must be following me.
Wes Anderson would appreciate the symmetry of this photo.

That is one of the many bridges in Pittsburgh.  Yellow, hmm, I wonder why..

Ok, I might know the guy.

View of the point from Mount Washington.

There is the Burgh, taken on MW.

This is more towards the East Side, I think.

             I had a lot of fun in pittsburgh, hence why my photos are so concentrated on certain events.  I forgot to take them sometimes.  Some spots are super picaresque and beg for it though.

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The Bithiyan needs yinz!

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